Demystifying your Scooter’s Electronic Throttle
Alex Perez

Demystifying your Scooter’s Electronic Throttle

Most e-bikes or e-scooters comes with an electronic throttle control these days. Its the same technology that car accelerators come with too although on a different scale and complexity. If you ever do (please don’t!) open up your electronic throttle control on your electric scooter, you will see 3 main components: A spring, a rotary magnet, ...
How to repair and maintain your MYWAY scooter
Alex Perez

How to repair and maintain your MYWAY scooter

As MYWAY/Inokim becomes more and more global, there has been many requests for us to expand on a series of self-guided instructional videos on how to fix, repair and maintain your MYWAY or Inokim e-scooter. Here is a start. There will be more instructional videos to come over the next few weeks. The Tools you ...

A word about Nimrod

He is the name behind illustrious and commercially successful products like Taga bikes and the MYWAY. When speaking of industrial design for personal mobility, Nimrod Sapir’s name is at the forefront of the design industry, not just in Israel where he currently resides but throughout the world.  An adventurer and thrill-seeker by nature, he travels the world with great abandon to ...
Touring around Singapore with e-scooters
Alex Perez

Touring around Singapore with e-scooters

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), in charge of planning the future landscape of Singapore, has already designated 700km of bike paths and bike friendly lanes by 2020-ish. This ambitious development plan could radically change how people in Singapore, tourists included commute and get around. Some bloggers in Singapore recently took a MYWAY and an E-TWOW for a ...

Mainstream media on E-scootering

Cycling mags and lifestyle mags have taken much interest in the scootering/kick-scootering scene. The local kickscooter/e-scooter scene have been covered by several well-known publications like the Sunday Times, SPH Razor TV and most recently, Singapore’s most popular cycling mag, SPIN Asia. Check out SPIN Asia‘s review the MYWAY scooter.

Showing 139 - 144 of 180 results