A slight deviation from our usual posts, this article looks at human powered kick scooting. Having incorporated the MyWay electric scooter into my daily routine over the past year, I am no longer walking to the train/bus and e-scooting most of my way to wherever I need to be. While E-Scooters have been a godsend ...
Due to the rise in popularity of the MyWay e-scooter, blatant copycats of the MyWays have inevitably sprung up. That is the reality hardware developers these days have to face. Inventors take immense risks, spend a fortune and a lifetime to perfect a scooter and within 1 year of launch, copycats with inferior build quality and manufacturing ...
The rise in prominence of e-scooters have been highlighted in many recent articles and media publications and it is increasingly as commonplace as commuting bicycles. With the Singapore government laying out the vision of a society less reliant on cars and more reliant on alternative personal mobility solutions, they have followed up with actions to ...
Has MyWay changed its name? Some of you may have noticed that the MyWay website has recently announced that they are rebranding the MyWay to inokim. The main inokim website also features the same products and the same designer fronting the website. Sgscooters have been in touch with the Israeli developers and we have been informed that ...
The Zoom Air 2 is now open for preorders at Falcon PEV. Previously called the E-TWOW Gen II, the Zoom Air 2 is a much improved version of the 1st cut. Besides the larger battery capacity of 6.5Ah or the upgraded batt version of 8.5Ah, the Zoom Air 2 is able to obtain a max ...
With an ever growing base of MyWay users, we have created an online community to share ideas and improvements for all enthusiasts. For MyWay tips and tricks to tune and mod your MyWay vehicle, join this global community of MyWay users on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MywayUsers/ To join our community of Team GoBoard, GoBoard users can meet ...