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Its the end of the year and we at Sgscooters will like to equip our escooter riding readers with the right knowledge for the new year by summarizing the recently enacted regulations for the use of Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs) and Power Assisted Bicycles (PABs).
Effective Jan 2017, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore will begin to enforce a set of regulations known as the Active Mobility Bill. This Bill is both ground breaking and pioneering in that no other country or city has laid out any Bill as clear and comprehensive for the legal use of electric mobility devices. Its a clear indication that the Singapore authorities are committed to pushing the car-light society agenda.
To lay out the definitions clearly, PMD refers to all types of electric mobility devices including electric scooters with or without seat, electric unicycles, self-balancing scooters including hoverboards, segways, ninebots etc. PABs are power assisted electric bicycles that includes only pedal assist bicycles but does NOT include fully automated electric bicycles with a throttle control.
Here is a concise infographic on the PMD regulations that will be in effect in 2017:
And in case you think LTA is not serious about the imminent regulations, they have already begun to hire a team of Enforcement Officers on bicycles to conduct road blocks and spot checks on PMDs and PABs. In fact, some Officers have already begun to conduct checks and issued warnings to PMD users who are non compliant.
See the notice from LTA below:
Singapore being Singapore, there are severe deterrent penalties in place if and when an errant rider or seller does get caught. No death sentence (yet) but a potential jail term could be waiting. Here are the penalties:
Severe Penalties for not conforming to PMDs regulations
Above and beyond this regulation, PMD riders are encouraged to abide by a code of conduct while sharing common spaces with pedestrians and other bicycle users. Amongst the recommended good practice are the use of headlights and rear lights to alert others of your presence, wearing of safety helmets while riding, dismounting and pushing your PMDs in crowded areas etc. Watch this summary PMD safety video to understand what regulations shall be enforced in the coming months:
Heres a non-definitive list of brands that comply with these new E-Scooter regulations:
If you require any more info or for media inquiries, please contact us or join our facebook community to seek advice from fellow escooter riders.
Ride safe and legal everyone!
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